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Yamamoto C, Takahashi F, Suetsugu N, Yamada K, Yoshikawa S, Kohchi T, Kasahara M

The cAMP signaling module regulates sperm motility in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121: e2322211121 (2024)    >link

Furuya T, Saegusa N, Yamaoka S, Tomoita Y, Minamino N, Niwa M, Inoue K, Yamamoto C, Motomura K, Shimadzu S, Nishihama R, Ishizaki K, Ueda T, Fukaki H, Kohchi T, Fukuda H, Kasahara M, Araki T, Kondo Y

Non-canonical type of BZR/BES transcription factor regulates the developmental process of haploid reproductive organs in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

Nature Plants 10: (2024)


Takeuchi Y, Sato S, Nagasato C, Motomura T, Okuda S, Kasahara M, Takahashi F, Yoshikawa S

Sperm-specific histone H1 in highly condensed sperm nucleus of Sargassum horneri

Scientific Reports 14: 3387 (2024)

Nishio J, Takahashi H, Kasahara M, Takeda Y, Kikuma T

AeiA is a novel autophagy-related protein that promotes peroxisome degradation by pexophagy in Aspergillus oryzae

FEBS Lett 597: 608-617 (2023)

Hayashida Y, Yamamoto C, Takahashi F, Shibata A, Kasahara M

Characterization of the cAMP phosphodiesterase domain in the plant adenylyl cyclase/cAMP phosphodiesterase CAPE from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

J Plant Res 135: 137-144 (2022)    >link


Shibata A, Takahashi F, Imamura N, Kasahara M

Characteristics of maltose transport system in the endosymbiont Chlorella variabilis of Paramecium bursaria

Phycological Res 69: 219-225 (2021)

Yamamoto C, Takahashi F, Ooe Y, Shirahata H, Shibata A, Kasahara M 

Distribution of adenylyl cyclase/cAMP phosphodiesterase gene, CAPE, in streptophytes reproducing via motile sperm

Scientific Reports 11: 10054 (2021)    >link

Homma Y, Okuda S, Kasahara M, Takahashi F, Yoshikawa S, Uwai S

Phenological shifts and genetic differentiation between sympatric populations of Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in Japan

Marine Ecology Progress Series 642: 103-116 (2020) 

Kato S, Hayashi M, Kitagawa M, Kajiura H, Maeda M, Kimura Y, Igarashi K, Kasahara M,  Ishimizu, T

Degradation pathway of plant complex-type N-glycans: Identification and characterization of a key α1,3-fucosidase from Glycoside Hydrolase family 29 

Biochem J 475: 305-317 (2018)


Kasahara M, Suetsugu N, Urano Y, Yamamoto C, Ohmori M, Takada Y, Okuda S, Nishiyama T, Sakayama H, Kohchi T, Takahashi F

An adenylyl cyclase with a phosphodiesterase domain in basal plants with a motile sperm system

Scientific Reports 6: 39232 (2016)    >link


Shibata A, Takahashi F, Kasahara M, Imamura N  

Induction of maltose release by light in the endosymbiont Chlorella variabilis of Paramecium bursaria 

Protist 167: 468-478 (2016)


Tsukatani Y, Yamamoto H, Harada J, Yoshitomi T, Nomata J, Kasahara M, Mizoguchi T, Fujita Y, Tamiaki H

An unexpectedly branched biosynthetic pathway for bacteriochlorophyll b capable of absorbing near-infrared light

Scientific Reports 3: 1217 (2013)


Suetsugu N, Kong SG, Kasahara M, Wada M

Both LOV1 and LOV2 domains of phototropin2 function as the photosensory domain for hypocotyl phototropic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae)

Am J Bot 100: 60-69 (2013)


Usami H, Maeda T, Fujii Y, Oikawa K, Takahashi F, Kagawa T, Wada M, Kasahara M

CHUP1 mediates actin-based light-induced chloroplast avoidance movement in the moss Physcomitrella patens

Planta 236: 1889-1897 (2012)


Suetsugu N, Sato Y, Tsuboi H, Kasahara M, Imaizumi T, Kagawa T, Hiwatashi Y, Hasebe M, Wada M

The KAC family of Kinesin-like proteins is essential for the association of chloroplasts with the plasma membrane in land plants

Plant Cell Physiol 53: 1854-1865 (2012)


Kasahara M, Torii M, Fujita A, Tainaka K

FMN-binding and photochemical properties of plant putative photoreceptors containing two LOV domains, LOV/LOV proteins

J Biol Chem 285: 34765-34772 (2010)    >link


Hoshina R, Shimizu M, Makino Y, Haruyama Y, Ueda S, Kato Y, Kasahara M, Ono B, Imamura N

Isolation and characterization of a virus, CvV-BW1, that infects symbiotic algae of Paramecium bursaria in Lake Biwa Japan

Virology J 7:222 (2010)


Oikawa K, Yamasato A, Kong SG, Kasahara M, Nakai M, Takahashi F, Ogura Y, Kagawa T, Wada M

Chloroplast outer envelope protein CHUP1 is essential for chloroplast anchorage to the plasma membrane and chloroplast movement

Plant Physiol 148: 829-842 (2008)


Yokokawa R, Miwa J, Tarhan MC, Fujita H, Kasahara M

DNA molecule manipulation by motor proteins for its analysis in single molecule level

Anal Bioanal Chem 391: 2735-2743 (2008)


Gao JS, Sasaki N, Kanegae H, Konagaya K, Takizawa K, Hayashi N, Okano Y, Kasahara M, Matsushita Y, Nyunoya H

The TIR-NBS but not LRR domains of two novel N-like proteins are functionally competent to induce the elicitor p50-dependent hypersensitive response

Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 71: 78-87 (2007)


Takahashi F, Yamagata D, Ishikawa M, Fukamatsu Y, Ogura Y, Kasahara M, Kiyosue T, Kikuyama M, Wada M, Kataoka H

AUREOCHROME: a newly found novel photoreceptor required for photomorphogenesis in stramenopiles

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104: 19625-19630 (2007)


Tucker EB, Lee M, Alli S, Sookhdeo V, Wada M, Imaizumi T, Kasahara M, Hepler PK

UV-A induces two calcium waves in Physcomitrella patens

Plant Cell Physiol 46: 1226-1236 (2005)


Okamoto S, Kasahara M, Kamiya A, Nakahira Y, Ohmori M

A phytochrome-like protein AphC triggers the cAMP signaling induced by far-rd light in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp strain PCC7120

Photochem Photobiol 80: 429-433 (2004)


Kasahara M, Kagawa T, Sato Y, Kiyosue T, Wada M

Phototropins Mediate Blue and Red Light-Induced Chloroplast Movements in Physcomitrella patens

Plant Physiol 135: 1388-1397 (2004)


Yoshioka K,, Matsushita Y, Kasahara M, Konagaya K, Nyunoya H

Interaction of Tomato mosaic virus movement protein with Tobacco RIO kinase

Mol Cells 17: 223-229 (2004)


Konagaya K, Matsushita Y, Kasahara M, Nyunoya H

Members of 14-3-3 protein isoforms interacting with both the resistance gene N product and the elicitor of Tobacco mosaic virus

J Gen Plant Pathol 70: 221-231 (2004)


Kagawa T, Kasahara M, Abe T, Yoshida S, Wada M

Function analysis of phototropin2 using fern mutants deficient in blue light-induced chloroplast avoidance movement

Plant Cell Physiol 45: 416-426 (2004)


Hirabayashi S, Matsushita Y, Sato M, Kasahara M, Abe H, Nyunoya H

Two proton pump interactors identified from a direct phosphorylation screening of a rice cDNA library by using a recombinant BRI1 receptor kinase

Plant Biotech 21: 35-45 (2004)


Oikawa K, Kasahara M, Kiyosue T, Kagawa T, Suetsugu N, Takahashi F, Kanegae T, Niwa Y, Kadota A, Wada M

CHLOROPLAST UNNUSUAL POSITIONING1 is essential for proper chloroplast positioning

Plant Cell 15: 2805-2815 (2003)


Kasahara M, Kagawa T, Oikawa K, Suetsugu N, Miyao M, Wada M

Chloroplast avoidance movement reduces photodamage in plants

Nature 420: 829-832 (2002)


Kasahara M, Swartz TE, Olney MA, Onodera A, Mochizuki N, Fukuzawa H, Asamizu E, Tabata S, Kanegae H, Takano M, Christie JM, Nagatani A, Briggs WR

Photochemical properties of the flavin mononucleotide-binding domains of the phototropins from Arabidopsis, rice, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Plant Physiol 129: 762-773 (2002)


Sakai T, Kagawa T, Kasahara M, Swartz TE, Christie JM, Briggs WR, Wada M, Okada K

Arabidopsis nph1 and npl1: Blue-light receptors that mediate both phototropism and chloroplast relocation

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 6969-6974 (2001)


Kasahara M, Unno T, Yashiro K, Ohmori M

CyaG, a novel cyanobacterial adenylyl cyclase and a possible ancestor of mammalian guanylyl cyclases

J Biol Chem 276:10564-10569 (2001)


Kasahara M, Ohmori M

Activation of a cyanobacterial adenylate cyclase, CyaC, by autophosphorylation and a subsequent phosphotransfer reaction

J Biol Chem 274:15167-15172 (1999)


Kasahara M, Yashiro K, Sakamoto T, Ohmori M

The Spirulina platensis adenylate cyclase gene, cyaC, encodes a novel signal transduction protein

Plant Cell Physiol 38: 828-836 (1997)


Kasahara M, Ohmori M

Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase of the cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica

Plant Cell Physiol 38: 734-739 (1997)


Sato MH, Kasahara M, Ishii N, Homareda H, Matsui H, Yoshida M

Purified vacuolar inorganic pyrophosphatase consisting of a 75-kDa polypeptide can pump H+ into reconstituted proteoliposomes

J Biol Chem 269: 6725-6728 (1994)




Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan 64:72-76 (2017)


Kasahara M. and Wada M. (2004) Chloroplast avoidance movement. In Plastids, Annual Plant Reviews Volume 13, S. G. Moller ed. (Blackwell), pp. 267-282.


笠原賢洋、和田正三: 「高等植物の青色光受容機構の新展開」生物物理 (2003) 43: 174-179.


笠原賢洋、和田正三: 「葉緑体光逃避運動は植物を強光ストレスから守る」細胞工学(2003)22:306-307.


笠原賢洋、加川貴俊: 「フォトトロピンとその関連タンパク質」植物細胞工学シリーズ「植物の光センシング」(2001) 秀潤社.


大森正之、笠原賢洋: 「藍色細菌における光シグナリングとcAMP」蓮沼仰嗣/木村成道/徳永史生共編「光シグナルトランスダクション」(1999) シュプリンガー・フェアラーク・東京.


笠原賢洋、大森正之: 「シアノバクテリアの2成分制御系信号伝達蛋白質のリン酸化」RADIOISOTOPES (1998) 47: 377-378.

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